COVID-19 Vaccine: Mark of the Beast?
I grew up as a conservative, born-again Christian. As far as I can remember, I have heard many times the return of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. With those teaching, came the topic of the Mark of the Beast as stated in the book of Revelation. I’ve seen old movies from the 70’s depicting what it would be like on earth during the tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. Frankly, I always thought I would never live to see things get that bad. How could it? Life was good. Then, there was a “pandemic”…COVID-19. I remember when I first heard of the name. What is it? Why is it so deadly? Of course I didn’t want to find out why first hand so I kept my distance. Then, what seemed like the impossible, there came a vaccine. The vaccine held many promises to protect you from the deadly virus. Sounded like a good deal. Get back to normal. Hmm…normal. That is another blog; another discussion. Before I knew it, the push to take the vaccine was on. Then it became mandatory. To the point where even my livelihood was impacted by the mandate. But thank God for His grace where he has kept me employed without the vaccine this far. As all this vaccine activity was transpiring, I began to think of why our government was pushing so hard. I did my research, at least I tried to look for as much info as possible as much of what is in the vaccine is hush, hush. What little I could find, it was not at all what I expected to find. Is this really a vaccine? Or is this the beginning of the Beast system? Or perhaps the beast itself? I began to bounce the idea off of friends and family. And as expected, I get the crazy look. Yes, I can be crazy at times. But the information I was running into is oh so real. The mainstream media will not mention it. Since when do they tell us the truth? OK, now I’m ranting. Back to the topic. I am convinced that what I once thought was for another lifetime after I was long gone is swiftly becoming reality. You don’t have to look far to discover that in places like Australia there is a form of the beast system implemented where you can’t eat at restaurants, can’t be out for more than an hour unless you have the need to. You can’t purchase groceries unless you have the vaccine passport. Sound familiar? Well, you might say, the Bible states the mark will be implanted on your person. Having a passport on your phone is not on or in your body. Watch the videos below. Again, think for yourself. Also, read my other blog, Graphene In COVID-19 Vaccines?, and watch the video which has more related info.
Also check out the below video by Stew Peters of Red Voice Media on the article linked below. Worth a watch.
SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents
Update: Added the below video report.
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The videos are embedded. You can forward the site page for now. I need to upgrade the video player to allow downloading. Coming soon.