Clots – What’s Going On?
Since the start of the pandemic, lots of events have been happening that do not make sense. For example, social distancing, masks, vaccine…etc. What we are told and what is actually happening are complete opposite. You don’t have to be republican or a democrat to see what’s going on around us on a daily basis. It seems daily things just get crazier. And why shouldn’t they? The Bible clearly tells us such things would happen in the last days.
The current happenings of people suddenly dying is no joke. I believe anyone reading this post knows of at least someone they know that has recently died within the timeline of the pandemic. Sure, the hospital will tell you people that have been admitted died of COVID. We all know in our hearts what’s really going on with COVID. I think I’ve talked about that enough. If you don’t know, then I don’t think you will ever know at this point. What I’m talking about now are people dying suddenly. People who are healthy, who are active and who normally take good care of themselves, like athletes, are suddenly dying of cardiac arrest. Not only athletes but teenagers and kids. Who ever heard of a child dying of a heart attack? Not many that I know of in my lifetime. But now, suddenly, it’s happening daily. Nobody will actually explain that is happening. They say it’s the climate. We all know that is a load of you know what. What’s most interesting is embalmers are finding these fibrous clots in the veins and arteries of people who have died. What are they? Why are we suddenly seeing these clots now? One fact is they are not your typical blood clots. They are these rubbery like substance. What we do know is they have been showing up since the roll out of the vaccines. The vaccines seem to be the common denominator. Nothing else can explain why they these clots are suddenly appearing. The truth can not be hidden. We will soon know why and how these clots suddenly started forming. The following is a very interesting and convincing documentary called “Died Suddenly” by Stew Peters from https://www.stewpeters.com. I believe it is worth your time to view findings and what embalmers are finding world wide. Think for yourself. Is this normal?
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