God Eternal Within The Body
OK, so let me go down a rabbit hole here and you determine for yourself and do your own research to find the truth. I am convinced of the following statement. We are in the last days and the “Beast” system is in full effect. I have been saying and I will continue to say this last pandemic was not by accident. It was a planned mechanism to control the masses. In this control, the introduction and implementation of the beast system was rolled out. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the mark of the beast, 666, the number of man. Now, I already talked about this in a previous blog so please go to that blog for my thoughts on this. What I really want to focus on is the mark itself. In a recent conversation with a good friend of mine, I ask, “What do you think the mark of the beast is”? Her response was just like mine. When we grew up and were taught about the “End Times”, the mark of the beast was stated as 666. So in my mind, I was expecting some type of tattoo or bar code that stated “666”. So of course, there was no way I was going to get that. As I grew older and with my learning of technology, my thoughts evolved that it wasn’t a number but some type of chip implanted on your right hand or forehead. Again, there was no way I would willingly get that chip. But then why does Revelation 13:18 state “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”? What? Count what? So as ignorant as I am, I just left it at that and kept believing what I wanted to believe. As I experienced – as many of you have – the pandemic, the lock downs, the masking and the mandated injection, I began to wonder what this weird time in life was all about? I was mostly interested in the mandated injection because it did effect my employment (that is another story for another time). So, I began to think. I began to look around. I began to research. What is so significant about this number and how do I count it? I mean, it’s already a number. But as I read the scripture closely, it said to “Count” the number of “A Man”. So what is a man?
My research brought me to DNA. We are all made up of DNA. What is DNA? DNA contains all the information needed to build your body. Did you know that your DNA determines things such as your eye color, hair color, height, and even the size of your nose? The DNA in your cells is responsible for these physical attribute as well as many others that you will soon see. No wonder David in Psalm 139 stated “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” or in Ephesians 1 “Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” I wonder if something happens in our DNA when one confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Savior. Also in Jeremiah 1 God said, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” So God coded within us, much like a software programmer today, the code of who we are and designed each and every one of us uniquely. Not any one of us is like the other. We were created with purpose. In the first video below, Gregg Braden explains wonderfully how God programmed us to be His.
The Bible goes on and explains that in the days would be as in the days of Noah. “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day”. Matthew 24:37. What was in Noah’s day? The Nephilim. If you don’t know about the Nephilim, do your research. Particularly, read the book of Enoch. Nephilim were the offspring of human and fallen angles. It is believed that Goliath in the Bible was Nephilim. So Jesus was BORN to redeem man from his fallen state or for the blood of Jesus to cleans the ungodly DNA once and for all. So when you make Jesus your Lord and Savior, his blood covers your life. That’s why I stated earlier if I wondered if by confessing Jesus, if your DNA changes. Basically, the Nephilum was a corrupt DNA made up of human and fallen angel (beast). Is today like that? Do you wonder what was in those shots? I’ll tell you this much, the Covid-19 shot was not a vaccine but rather gene therapy the literally changed your DNA. I also created a blog on this if you’d like to see how this shot mRNA changes or replaces your DNA.
OK, I can see I’m going long so I’ll get to the point. The number of a man…what is that? Well, do your research or you can just believe me but a human is made up of double helix DNA strand. One strand from the Father and the other from the Mother. Each one represents 72,000 genes each. So that’s 72,000 + 72,000 = 144,000 genes. Where do we see that number? Revelation 14:1, “Then I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.”. The name of the Father written on them. Doesn’t that make sense?
A double helix with 72,000 genes each is the number of a man. It is the code or the making of what makes a man or a God created human.
So what if this “vaccine” actually created a third strand to make a triple helix which would equal 72,000 + 72,000 +72,000 = 216,000. So how could this be the mark of the beast? It is supposed to be 666 or Biblically, 600, 3 score or 60 and 6. So if we were to multiply that 600 X 60 X 6 it comes out to 216,000. You can’t make this up! So if you count the number of a man, double helix or triple helix, you either have 144,000 genes or 216,000 genes. Which one are you? Did you take the mRNA shot? The devil is slick, of course the mark of the beast was not going to be a tattoo or the chip, else we would easily say no! But to put the beast in a vaccine! That is a nice trick! Satan since the beginning was always trying to demise man. So when Jesus came on the scene, it was game over. Thank you Jesus for your blood. Below are some videos that discuss what I just stated. You can agree or disagree with what I stated. Do your own research. Think for yourself!