Graphene In COVID-19 Vaccines?
For some time now, I have been wondering why our government is pushing the COVID-19 vaccine so much. It has gone as far is mandating the vaccine or lose your job, can’t eat at restaurants or shop at the groceries store. This post is not about the tyranny posed by our government – that will come later. This post is about how unsafe the COVID-19 vaccine really is. Sure, our government said the vaccine is completely safe. Until those who have taken the vaccine began to post videos about their side effects of the vaccine…but some don’t know about the side affects because the main stream media and social media have been suppressing such information. The fact is, the vaccine is unsafe and we are still unsure of the long-time effects of the vaccine. However, we do have a hint of what’s to come by information getting out there by those who are brave enough to expose the lies. The video below is such a video worth watching where if you put one and two together, you know that these vaccines have graphene in them. Perhaps this is one of the reasons there are not inserts of ingredients that come with vaccines. Just blank pieces of paper. Yet the vaccine is mandated? View for yourself and you come to your conclusion. I’d love to know your comments below.
Update: Added the below video report.
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